de drife thoo
Ok what to type for the new page....Since this is the first one..... basically a blank piece of paper, a blank canvas to paint on, .... Weeeeeeeeeeeel this is getting off to a good start eh? Its 10:39 I'm at work now, should be working but instead I'm using company electricity to write in this log about what, I have no idea.

Maybe it would be easier to start with something I wrote down yesterday about a great trip I had to get dinner

I'm behind a car in a drive thru of a resteraunt that rhymes with Shendy's,and that car is at the window board giving their order. I notice after a bit that this is going to be one of THOSE drive thru experiences, the ones that take a loooooooong time.... Someone's got a family reunion to cater and their doing it at the Krendys' drive thru. But like an idiot I sit there so I can gripe about it later. What's going on? I turn down the radio to listen and hear the conversation, CONVERSATION? They weren't even ordering. At first I thought it was Two different people on opposite sides of the speaker from two different countries trying to speak a third language, English, and neither one having a grip on it. Now I'm starting to think this is funny and my brain goes into record mode. It dawns on me that they ARE both speaking the same language. Spanish of course, and then comes the Spanglish.

....Eh , numero uno con queso, y ...uh .......Frosty? Eh....numero dos y ........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... Beegee size .......HI C froot drink.... feeko y hogy bloon sargy, chigen uh pollo streeps, dol diga buzz buzz ziggity zag boon gedo beep boop fardin argosa siby wady o!!!!

chigy wanga no chabba na wanga solo .......... a bunch of other stuff I dont catch or understand.

They talk a little bit about the motherland and how great HI-C is because that word comes up a lot and the Durango pulls forward. Now my turn.

HER: Weecome to wendis I tayoo oder?

ME: uh yea lemme have an order of chili and an order of fries..... and

that'll be all

Her: you like Frosty dessert wi dat? ( programed to push anything else )

Me : and that'll be all.

Her: anyting to drink? ...... HI C?

Me: and that'll be all.

Her: dabiya?


Her: DABIYA?!! (louder in case I don't speak English)

Me: .....................................................(Dibida? Latka?)


Her : .....................Poo to winnow pees

It appears my turn is over and she is suggesting I should pull to the window. I get around the corner and the couple in the Durango are happily handing over their money to the girl in the window and they pull forward. I pull up.

She: Doofortin.

Me: (I hand her 3 dollars)

Her: yoo chenj eddy sis cent dank yoo come to us agin.

Right on.

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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