looney guy
Well, thats as far as I've gotten on my little novel. If You were confused about starting the last entry with ....... You should be thoroughly confused now since this entry makes even lesser sense. Since it begins with nothing you already recognize if this is the first time you've been here.

Got that?

Sense since sense since could I use that word more in one sentence? don't I have any sence...cents.

*sigh* please refer to later paster entrys to get an idea of what I write about here at the rant-o-terium, do not judge my site by this dumb entry on it's own. Seriously. This one is off. I've spent the entire Sunday locked in my apartment away from the cold Texas winter reading blogs from other people at diaryland (I refuse to call it D'land) On the other hand my culinary experiment turned well. Although it didn't look well. It resembles something bad bad bad from chernoble but it tasted great. In other news I have discovered if you bake black molasses and demerara sugar with mustard powder together, (it really is good trust me) for too long you get something along the lines of black cement.

Or at best really sweet roofing tar.

Not to be cornfused with REAL roofing tar....which is not sweet.....at all.

Not that I've tried to eat roofing tar but from the smell of the truck in front of me hauling a batch down I-30 I can trust it wouldn't .... what the hell am I talking about????

I tend to ramble when I have nothing to say and my bwain ends up at the strangest places.

What the fuck.

I think I use that word too much. Fuck. Fucketty fuck fuck. Profanity in general I use too much. Maybe I should ween myself off them by substituting something else instead of it. Some random body part.

"What the spleen you tawking bout Willis?"

"Suck my knee duodenum face."

"Clavicle you and the shinbone you rode in on head-head." Oh yea that makes lots of sense.


Either way no ones gonna mess with me if I say things like that to them.

Who wants to fuck with the looney guy.

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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