Torso man!!!!
I just got back from my annual office christmas party and boy was it...phun. I'll tell you about that tomorrow after I have digested it. Actually it's not that interesting , but there is some good news to tell for the future.

I'll sabe dat foh rater.

In other news I saw the weirdest cartoon on TV. Heres the theme song.

doo doo dee doo doo

Torso man, Torso man. Does whatever a torso can.

Lays around, on the floor. Stops the drafts, from the door.

Hey theeeeere! There goes the torso man.

doo doo dee doo doo

Is he strong? We don't know.

Aint got arms from head to .... crotch.

He can beat. Anyone.

If he's fired, from a gun.

Hey theeeeeeere! What's with the torso man?

In the stiiiiiill of night, in a race he will lose.

Don't forget T-man, has no feet to wear shoes!

Torso man, Torso man. Only does what a torso can.

Don't look up, when you go.

Looking for that legless bro...Hey theeeeeere.....

There goes the torso maaAAN....

Can't open a sardine caaaAAN......

Where ever people trip alot .....YOU'LL FIND THE TORSO MANNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!

I Don't think it's going to catch on

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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