jus ligh the whole mo'fugger up at one time...
Kuwait deplys troop has somehow become the most read entry on my diary, this is very odd. NO! DON'T GO THERE NOW YOU ALREADY READ IT. Go to the spam one it's much better..... and someone right now is reading the shit out of my diary! Leave a note when you leave and remember to tip your hostess, I'm here all week.

Well I had a good time at the party. Didn't drink too much and no one blew off their arm with fireworks. Oh wait someone did, almost. Kevin. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. I will try to get a picture of him soaking his hand in a giant thermos from his second degree burns. He had some kind of pyramid sparkler thing from last fourth of July and it had come undone and all the powder charge was loose. So in a drunken stupor at midnight he's out there on the glass patio table lighting a little small piece WITH HIS CIGERETTE LIGHTER. Well that sparked up nice and cool! BRIGHT! Wee now.... whyd we jus ligh the whole mo'fugger up at one time...tha should be nice and preddy huh? wha you fink grehggg?

I turned around to light a smoke and, well, you know that scene in National Lampoons Christmas vacation when the uncle lights the tree and his hair on fire with his cigar and there's that big flash of light of out of camera shot. Thats what I saw from my direction. It looked like someone detonated a white phosphorus grenade. I think it burned my shadow into the wooden fence on the other side. I turn around and Kev is like...."Oh, I thing tha' was bad." Gee Ya think? He lit it with his lighter and of course his hand was in the middle of hells inferno when it went up.

His wife had some words with a well done Kevin flambe' outside as he was soaking his hand in the backyard. I assume they were discussing topiary arrangements and the new garden hose or something like that. I'm sure that was what it was about. She probably blames me but I didn't know he was going to try to turn himsef into a roman candle, didn't realize he was retarded. See folks what too many gin and tonics can do?

Memorable New years eve I say. I'll have the pictures to prove it.

2004-01-01 2:00 a.m.

I'm hearing : insects --Oingo Boingo

I'm eating :: a shoe

I want :: another beer

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This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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