Hello person who acts like she has been appointed the grand poobah and therefore my boss, who in actuality is only the creative department job keeper tracker of'er ..... the next time you have nothing to do and you think that asking me if the job I am so obviously and obnoxiously in your face working on is done yet, do this instead. Take I-30 East until you get to the Mansfield Highway. Go either North or South, doesn't matter, for about oooooh, five or six miles or until you see the first junkyard. Go up to the counter and ask whoever is there if he has a turn blinker for a 1964 "GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

Ok? Thanks.

.......And hey all you numbskull salesmen, the next time you decide to shellack our art room with that industrial strength 3M spray mount with out using some kind of spray guard, let me know. I need some time to load my flame thrower before you start. I'm not inclined to give you too much of a head start either so don't ask.

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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