Fat ass man and giant knuckle boy to the rescue! SPOON!!!!!
Hey, you know what? I received not one, not two.... but three google hits for colon blow today. ALL TODAY!

That puts the total up to five, not counting the one I got that was in quotes, so it's really six.

Colon blow?

Was there a convention this weekend?

Does putting it in quotes give you a better chance of landing that kind of thing?

I also got a hit for something called "bing bing bing" car commercial. Can someone tell me what in hell thats all about?

So while "colon-blow-palooza 2004" was going on this weekend, guess what I was doing?

Not a damn thing.

I didn't do nuttin this weekend. Well there was the Easter thing yesterday but nothing really interesting came of that.

Sooooooooooo, heres a song I wrote a while ago.

About a super hero.

..............A lame super hero.

Sing this to the tune of spider man.

- - -

"Torso man, torso man. does whatever a torso can.

lays around, on the floor. stops the drafts from the door.

Look out. there goes the torso man.

Is he strong? we dont know.

aint got arms from head to....crotch.

he can beat, anyone.

If he's fired, from a gun

hey there, whats with the torso man?

In the stiiiiiiiiiiiill of night, in a race he will lose.

Dont forgeeeeeeeet T-man, has no feet to wear shoes.

Torso man, torso man. only does what a torso can.

dont look up, when you go.

looking for that legless bro.

Hey there.....

there goes an odd mannnnn...

cant open a sardine cannnnnn....

wherever people trip alot.....

You'll find the torso mannnnn!"

- -

I was reading about someone else's superhero and had to mention my own.

Torso man!

He can.....! Well, he can't do much of anything really. He's a pretty sucky hero if you ask me. If you said "Hey Greg, how cool is that torso man anyway?" and I'll say "He's a pretty sucky hero."


His only plan of action is to, I think.............. or so far, wait till the diabolical plans of "Dr. has a foot for a head" are finished, then lay outside the door and trip him up like a speed bump.

He has such a low profile that he's seldom seen sneaking up on the hideouts of "Mr. giant middle finger"

Indeed he isn't quite as cool as "legless man and armless boy."

But he's a lot more powerful than "Just a head woman."

Insert you're own jokes here, I just ..... can't .

As you can see, I have very little imagination when it comes to making up super-hero and super-villain names. So far I've just been going on what body part is and isn't there.

Oh what about "The Colon Blow"?

Or "The Duodenum"?

I got a request for an autograph from RAMBO the other day, and I want you to know that RAMBO came through and delivered that signature....however difficult it was to procure. He uses Redwood trees as pencils.

I hope no one asks for autographs from torso man though. You don't wanna know how he holds the pen. He likes quill pens for some reason.

Oh shit! I just got that!

How come even I don't get my jokes till minutes after I think of them?

Monday, Apr. 12, 2004 8:58 P.M.

on the I-tunes: "Clear"..... Cranes

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This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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