I have another post in the works, but my friend Paul sent me this just now and I thought it was important for all bi-pedal animals like us to know. Be afraid. They're coming to get you Barbaraaaaaa.


I am attaching a picture that I took today.

We (human beings) are about to be challenged as the

dominent life form on this planet. Another animal is

beginning to walk upright.

Their only goal? Complete Domination of the Earth!


Sunday, May. 09, 2004 8:40 P.M.

on the itunes: "Thats not really funny"....EELS

| 6 old comments

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This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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