Then some other stuff happened....
I'm sorry. I'm terrible at the recap of the weekends. It seems if I don't write things down right away, I never get to them. So heres a brief write up of the trip.

Got to California about 9:30 East coast time, picked up by Karen, James and Jasmine and go grab a bite to eat at the infamous IN n OUT burger. The name isn't a ...(metaphor?) well I guess eventually it is.....It wasn't bad actually. Went to her house and sprawled on the living room floor to wait for roommate Melissa to return from her jaunt with a friend having a birthday. Too tired to go join in on that drink fest. It's 11:30 for me being up early to get ready for the trip.

Actually this is probably going to be a pretty boring entry retelling all this. All the memories are still pretty jumbled up together in my head. I saw a lot of things this past weekend. Not least of which was seeing Karen again after so long a time not seeing her. We've talked a lot over the past 7 years over the phone. I've told her things I've never told anyone else. Anyone. She's my confidant and confider. A really sweet beautiful girl that I care an awful lot for and always have. I can't imagine not knowing her and don't want to even try.

The following day, Saturday, we woke up and had bagels and her fucking tree in the backyard no less. Sat in the backyard and watched the parrots fly and squawk loudly at each other in the sky over head.

Parrots are loud assholes in the morning.

Then went and picked up her friend Paco from the airport who flew in from Tahoe.

Ha, Paco from Tahoe. I just thought of that. Yea funny, not so much.


Then the mom arrived. Sweet little lady with two bumper dings on her brand new Lexus she has no idea from where, (which? Wherefore? Why?...whatever...) they came from.

This trip wasn't going to be a trip I could spend much one on one time with K. She has a lot of people to keep up with.

I'm patient though. This is her weekend.

Went to the pinning ceremony for all the nurses and that didn't take too much time.

Then to lunch at ...... this is really boring isn't it? Not many anecdotal things to say here. All the best things I have to say I'm keeping to myself.

In my head.

Those are for me, I'm keeping those.

So a quick synopsis of it all.

Oranges on trees.

Perfect 70�'s the whole f'ing time.

Omelets for breakfast.

Parrots and palm trees.

Hanging out with her friends on the backporch around a roaring fire and figuring out our porn names. ( smokey forest hills... thats me. It should have been chocolate forest hills.)

Quiet neighborhood.

Unexpected tight hugs from behind as I make a bagel.

Change of plans in going to see the gay parade in long beach due to shitty traffic going that direction.


Martinis and Dos XX beer. Nachos and Cevinchi, on the side of the ocean at Brisas cafe in Laguna beach.

More beer and and lousy pool shooting at a biker bar up the street in Laguna still.

Getting eyed by a possible hooker outside of said biker bar.

Bar-B-Qing a ridiculous amount of food at 10:30 that night.

No Disneyland. Next time.

Cat with an insatiable appetite.

Monday morning.

Paco to the airport.

Melissa to work.

Mom and Jasmine leave.

Me and Karen alone finally.

Sushi at sushi wave

Costa Mesa.






Hugs and kisses.




.....waiting for the phone call.


Thursday, May. 27, 2004 12:28 A.M.

on the itunes: "Master and Servant"...Depeche Mode

| 6 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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