I have been woefully inadequate in keeping up with you all this last week or two. Its gotten to the point where i will never catch up. Fuck there's too many of you.


I will use this as a catch all entry for all the notes I would usually leave you all for what applies in your own entries....... however callous that sounds. Please pick and choose the one that applies to you and act like I said it on purpose or something.

"I'm sorry to hear that",

"Oh yay"

" I'm sorry you fell down three flights of stairs and destroyed yourself."

" Don't trust whitey, See a doctor and git rid of it, and learn the difference between shit and shinola."

" It's about an inch inside the vagina on the top."

" Run for your life!"

" There there..."

" Tha hell? "

" Oh shut up."

" Bread is a wonderful source for wheat and vitamin Q."

" Lemon snow cones are gooooood. Yellow snow is not goooooood. "

" Filthy fucking mood?"

" I'm reading that chap book thing too."

" Get bent! "

" Why is that woman wearing that hat!...HA!"

" Thanks for the link."

" I before e except after 14."

" The donger need food."

" Stupid ass bike path runner acrossers. You should have mowed her down."

" Have a day."

There, hope that covers most of it.

Non sequitur alert!

Last week Karen picked me up in her rent car and informed me that Nordstroms was having some kind of hugantic sale and she needed to go. Ok cool I can dig that.

I've watched the discovery channels shark week before.. that was very tame compared to Nordstroms sale weekend. I couldn't keep up and got lost at least three times, looking around bewildered as I couldn't find the woman I was attached to. The sales women looked at me with sympathy, and the few men in the store sitting in what ever chair they could find, gave knowing looks of "Yea, I know."

I had no problem going, though I felt a little silly looking at beaded purses while waiting to be found.

One thing I HAVE to ask.

When the hell did they start putting HUGE erect nipples on the store mannequins?

Wednesday, Jul. 21, 2004 12:10 A.M.

On the itunes: "seagulls scream kiss her kiss her" XTC

I'm eating: cherries...lots of cherries

| 3 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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