Confession time
I have a confession to make to all of you out there. It's something that I'm a little ashamed of stating out here in the open ... internet. But the time has come for me to lay it on the line and just ...... blurt it out here, and my diary is as good a place as any to blurt. Blurt is a very strange word in't it ? BLURT. BLUUUUUUUURT!!! Ahem...I'm stalling.....Carl Stalling......... anyway. Where to start ....geez I don't know. I know most of you have already done it by the time you were 13, some late bloomers by 19 in college. But its something that I've always felt left behind on. You know I would hear other people talking about their experiences, and how much they enjoyed them personally. When their first time was and who they were with. I don't know, I just always kept my mouth shut so they would think that it had already happened for me as well. Or, at parties I would make up lies out of bits and pieces of other peoples stories so I could, you in and not feel ashamed about missing this integral piece of growing up when I was asked.

I don't really feel that bad about it now. It's almost cool now to admit that I haven't done it yet. Almost but not quite. It seems odd that a man of Thirty-Five would wait so long for this. But honestly.... you see..... the truth is.... the opportunity just wasn't offered to me. Or it wasn't the right time. I don't know. I haven't thought about it much in a while, maybe I just thought I was too old by this time to even think about it anymore.

A.) I know all the rules. I think.

B.) I know that you should have some sort of protection.

Is that about it? As far as I know it is.

There's a bunch of other odds and ends, but really thats about it.

That said... confessions made and BLURTED, I am happy to say that next Saturday will be the day....THE DAY, or night rather.

I will be a virgin no more!

And what's more, my first time will be a threesome with my two best friends. More if they want to come too. I think I'm going to ask my cousin and his girlfriend to come along also, I think it might help to have a younger couple who have more of an energetic attitude.

This is going to be fun, I can't wait! It's finally all going to be behind me and I can move on to other things on the list that I haven't done.

Whew, that feels good to get that off my chest finally. So now you all know. I just thought my first experience should be something that you all should know about first and be a part of it. Because you're all my friends and should know these things about me.

So now tell me, what was your first live cast viewing of the Rocky Horror picture show like? I would like to know as much about it before Saturday as I can so I don't feel like too much of a forkhead.

Call if you wanna go too.

Sunday, Aug. 08, 2004 1:47 P.M.

On the itunes: "Mysterons"....PORTISHEAD

| 6 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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