How I spent my night out to the Rocky Horror Picture show.


Well sort of.

I met up with my friend Andi and we went to a bar to load up a little before hand. Thinking that that would be in our best interest to fully enjoy the festivities we anticipated would be forth coming soonly.

I figured out two things tonight about us.

Andi has a bladder the size of a chick pea. She went four times before we even left the restaraunt.

I have one the size of a Mastadon.

Either that or my body is full of sylica gel / I was severely dehydrated.

How can you put so many beers in and have none come back out ?

We started drinking about 9 and the show started at 12:30. Not serious drinking like when we were younger, but steady.

So we get to the show and already I know I'm going to like this because of the people that are showing up. We line up to go into the theater and some strange looking guy comes down the line asking "What color are Franks underwear" while holding a red lipstick to mark the virgins. I pretend to be intensely interested in some Olympic weight lifter on the TV overhead, and he passes by us. Some people weren't so lucky and got the big "V" on the forehead. One girl who got marked looked surprisingly like Mazey from Uncle Buck.

Movie quote: " Waiting for your sex?"

Ok, so we go in and get the pre-show rundown of all the rules. Fuck rule numbers one through 5 and Fuck rule number 6 because there is no rule number six... and something about 69. I don't have any idea what's going on by this point because I'm so out of it, but laughing the whole time. Mostly it was sensory overload. So many people are shouting out things, I have no idea what I'm supposed to repeat. They drag four Virgins up to the front amid cheers of "fuck the front row...fuck the back row!" For their initiation which I won't reveal to you. you'll just have to go on your own to find out . I'm not telling.

Actually I shouldn't tell anything else, you'll just have to go to experience it yourself.

Lots of guys dressed as women, lots of girls dressed as guys, women half in the bag wearing close to nothing, and tons of sexual innuendo. Go with an open mind and you wont be disappointed.

I'd like to thank the cast of www.dfwrockyhorror.com for a great time.

The plan is to come back once a month, so if you're living in the Dallas/fort worth area and are going, let me know. I'll come meet you.

Now, I'm going back to bed.

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