I made chex/snack mix for the cousin type family people because ..... well I'm poor and there's a mumabatillion of them. I was trying to find something inexpensve to package it all in that didn't look TOO cheap. I finally settled on some empty paint cans at the container store. They looked plain on the outside so I had to make my own label.

This is giving me an idea for a possible new layout design. Any suggestions?

In other news, my friend Chris is spending Christmas in the hospital this year. His nine year old daughter gabby will be having her kidney tubes or hoses or wires and stuff shifted around. It appears one of them is kinked and causing quite a bit of trouble. I have no idea what this feels like, but I would assume that if I was nine and had to wake up Christmas day in a damn hospital the suckage would be monumental. If you have any kind thoughts, think them on Christmas day.

This journal appears at times a bit sarcastic. (I'm sure you barely noticed) But all sarcasm aside, have a safe and happy holiday. I hope you get all the crap you asked for and not one god damn fruit cake. I hope you get to see all the relatives and friends you wanted to see and none of the ones you owe money to. May your car start on the coldest day of the year. I hope you get that puppy you wanted, and on the flip side, not get kicked in the testicles by a large farm animal. Whatever it is you'll be doing on the twenty-fifth ...... merry christmas, happy Hanukkah, merry voodoo day, or joyous winter solstice.

Enjoy your holiday jerks.

Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004 11:26 A.M.

on the itunes: " Chicago at night" ....... SPOON

| 6 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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