Raccoons in the attic
Why no I haven't been missing for 60 days, why do you ask? And it has NOTHING to do with a turkish prison.
I've been around thinking the same imponderable stupid crap I always do, I just dont have the time..... or the energy to want to copy it down.
This excerpt from an instant message exchange between me and Beck.

Gergse 5:37 I'm reading about prison wine
Gergse 5:37 I'm gonna make some for you when you come here next
Gergse 5:37 Yay!!
Becky 5:37 no
Gergse 5:38 dirty sock prison wi..what?
becky 5:38 I don't want you socks or your moldy bread in my wine
becky 5:38 yucky
Gergse 5:38 you dont want me to make you some pris..
becky 5:38 nope
: I thought it was funny how quickly she said no to the wine:
" hey I'm gonna make some prison wi...."
"you dont want any pri..
no wi.."
" but I "
No adventure I tell you. I was up for some adventure. I was all ready to climb to the top of mount sock wine ... but .. I guess ...... in retrospect it might not have been one of my more stellar ideas.
Nor was this one Rick and I were having today.

They have dots in more than the regular flavors cherry, strawberry, lemon, and lime.
Now they have tropical flavors, or at least I've just found this out. I have to admit to being a little behind in the candy releases these days, or since I turned eleven.
Also I was thinking how much of a commitment you have to make to eating dots, seeing as how eating them requires a strong tongue or a jack hammer capable of fragmenting concrete, asphalt pavement, and chipping the dots that accumulate on your rear molars.
We decided that we should send a letter to tootsie roll with suggestions of new flavors they might try out.
First we should start out with the obvious fruit flavors that so often get left out.

Cumquat, quince, papaya and pomegranate.

... then lets move on to the more obscure fruits with Bergamot, and Spaghetti Squash, Monkey Jackfruit.

While we're on the subject of squash, why don't we just throw vegetables in there as well.
SQUASH, potato, and rutabaga
What the hell.. lets get the condiments in the mix and start it off with mustard, ketchup and mayo moving straight on into hickory smoke bar-b-que sauce.
I'm sure Tootsie-roll will be very glad to hear from me. All this input is bound to be hugely helpful.
I'm not quite sure why this all started but once we did we couldn't stop.
... or not. Writing it down and exposing it to the light of my computer doesn't seem to be the same.
I must have written everything I wanted to because I don't make the time to get on here and put anything down any more. I think it has something to do with reading back through the older entries and wincing at how stupid most of them are. But still, I can't seem to just let it go. What's that all about? The journal has reverted back to basic plain old diaryland as well as most the other peripheral tools like the site meter. I can't post pictures, you can't leave comments (unless I go and get the free one from where ever the hell it is ) and the guest book is chock full of spam. I can't seem to remember my password to try and delete it. This blog has sort of turned into a neglected house and the weeds and trees are starting to reclaim it.
Something like that.
Basically, the urge is still there to write something but I don't have a clue what to put.
Ah well, I see most of you are doing well. I still read when i have the time. Becky will be coming down here again at the end of April and then it's my turn in July. And then of course thanksgiving and christmas will be reversed from last year so I'll be in Ohio for Christmas this time. Perhaps by mid 2007 I won't have to worry about cheap airfare anymore.
I can't wait.
Oh, and I think I have a raccoon in my attic.

On the itunes: " Roller coaster of love" THE OHIO PLAYERS

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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