
artgnome - 2005-03-16 22:01:24
ohhhh, that sounds so typical for graphic work and any kind of production where one has to depend on others, namely morons. gahhhh!
awittykitty - 2005-03-16 22:43:38
Its a wonder anyone can even stay in business with such incompetance afoot. I used to work in a print shop too and we always seemed to be short like 12 sheets of paper somewhere or damaged goods, so I totally get your frustration. (((gergsy)))
Teets - 2005-03-16 23:36:10
I am honored to be a part of your best day ever!! I had a pretty swell day myself, if you like fighting with a retarded printer, rendering it totally useless and unable to function at all, and then reinstalling some new drivers only to find the same old problem you had in the first place!!!AAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!!!!
Klugarsh - 2005-03-17 14:24:27
Do not taunt Happy Fun Day


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