
Meany - 2005-07-25 19:50:09
I, on the other hand, have NOTHING better to do than obsessively comment. Oh well. Now go get busy!
hissandtell - 2005-07-25 19:57:57
"I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" Awww, gerg, you old silvertongue. Love, R xxx
artgnome - 2005-07-25 21:12:30
You are a sweetie, gergie, regardless of how often you are online. Thanks for the birthday wishes and remembering! kisses for you!
schmutzie - 2005-07-26 12:50:27
You and me, gerg, we are the same. But then you already knew that. I should probably go write my blanket thanks entry now, come to think of it.
Smoog - 2005-08-18 22:43:50
Obviously we have a lot in common, since I wrote this very column months ago (see the link in my name). Welcome to my boat. Here, have an oar. No- no need to say anything. I know.


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