useless entry #2
As As I said in the last entry , I have gone plaid with diary land and gotten me a note section at the bottom of the entry here. I also tried my hand at putting my diary rings in the rings section where it belongs instead of cluttering up the bottom of the page. Well now I can't figure out how to get it off the archives page. Oh well deal, because now the "rings" thing has rings to link to. Meh, at least that works.
Sunday, Jan. 11, 2004 10:47 P.M.

I'm hearing : "numb"---by PORTISHEAD

I'm eating : aspirin

I want : a pain free head

| 1 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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