What a maroon.
Ok, so within the last TWO days a lot has happened.

The toe is doing much better and it thanks you all for your kind comments. My foot has assured me that there is no need to worry of any plot to kill my toe. This has all been some big misunderstanding. It tells me that everything is okee dokee and that I shouldn't listen to my liver. To all who think I'm a little off, possible senile, for talking about my inner organs.....(eh, inner? And how many outer organs do I have orbiting my body?), may I remind you that there are a couple of you who have talked about AND TO their uteruses...or uterii? I say that because there are more than one of you.

So. Toe better.

Your uterus is named Cyndi.

Soooooooo last night something bad happened, and I'm ashamed that it did. Because I'm old enough to know better. But this wouldn't be a real diary if I didn't put the embarrassing stuff in here too, right?

Work is busier than a three legged cat trying to take a crap, so I'm working all the Overtime I can. Paying off some bills, catching up on others, keeping the wolves at bay on still others. Last week I sent enough money to Ford to choke a water buffalo. And good ol' Salli mae, what would I do without a student loan phone call from you? I sent them enough to choke themselves. Right, everyone happy now? Greg has enough money left to buy some gum for lunch. Yay!

Work all day till nine, drive home, open the front door......why is it so dark in here?


No electricity.



to .






Double shit.

So heres my last night.

Sleeping on my brothers couch. My brothers 4 and half foot long couch. I am not four and half foot long. I am much longer than four and a half foot long. So I sleep in a fitful wad on his couch and go to work the next day.

So here's my day.

In between work, I call the electric company to try and find out how much I owe to the great and mighty Oz of power. It turns out that it's enough to make me choke on my gum.

Great! There goes lunch.

So I go to El banco de gaia ( which I think means the bank of the rooster ), transfer money out of my savings to my checking account to pay this bill. I go back to work, get on the phone again to call the Electric company. And there I sit on hold, listening to Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" for about ten minutes, thinking the whole time, "kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, KILL THE WABBIT! Pay the bill on line, and get them to PUSH THE BUTTON to turn on the coveted electricity.

The helpful operator guarantees nothing, but assures me he will tell them to turn it back on.

I get home at eight to a dark house.

YAY! I'm conserving electricity! Shit to the fifth power.

Call my brother and tell him to pull the couch out of the matchbox, I'll be over in about 30 minutes. And then.......*bling*

I have light. I hear the heater kick on. I hear my frozen chicken defrosting.

I hear myself say "Don't forget your electric bill again........ YOU POOR DAMN BASTARD"

What a maroon. What an ignoranimuseses.

Electricity, good. Paying electricity, more gooder.

Wednesday 9:54 P.M.

I'm hearing : parrafin.....by RUBY

I'm eating : a milk shake

I want : A sugar mama

| 6 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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