I neet a facashun
Anyone looking for the web address to "NastyPigGirls and horses cows goats and CAMELS??" Anyone? No? Ok, if you do let me know, I have the address in my junk mail drawer.

Nothing makes you feel quite so alive as blind panic does.

I've been working in the Graphic arts/printing Industry for about 13 years. Deciding to work here was Partly voluntarily, and partly I was mugged, thrown into a potato sack and tossed into the back of a Buick Riviera.

Who in his right mind would volunteer to work where you are at the total mercy of the printing press time schedule?

I'll try to recreate the last two days, but due to the fact that it has kind of cooled down, as has the emotion required to write a really good sniveling shit-fest of a rant, it may not be as good as I was hopeing

First things first. The weather in Texas has a name. It's Sybil.

Sunday was the bestest looking day I've seen in a loooooong while. There was a bright blue sky, no clouds, birds were singing, perfect seventy-four degrees, people were wearing shorts, beavers were building dams, elephants were trying to mate, fruit-bats were molting, the television lineup had gone into the summer rerun schedule, and the FRIGGEN ICE CREAM MAN WAS DRIVING AROUND.

Monday...... the temperature dropped FIFTY DEGREES! IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS! OK tomorrow they might as well be predicting a tsunami for land locked Fort Worth because hey, why not? I reckon we'll get four-hundred inches of snow over night.... before the tornados come and blow us all away to Guam.

Spent Monday at work very well. It was business as usual as the customer gives the go ahead on a job we've been waiting more than a week for approval for. I have a 60 inch Hewlet-Packard large format printer that somehow knows that we are gearing up to run three hundred 20x30 posters that will take 3 days to print. It makes the decision to throw me under the bus and not work, necessitating a Seven hundred and eighty dollar service bill. And of course the hugeantic ginormic banner I was supposed to print on Saturday is still waiting on the scatterbrained woman at the pharmaceutical company to even get back to us.

I'm leaving a lot of stuff out because I've simply forgotten it over the last 24 hours, but pretty much the whole day was spent scrambling to get the printer working again so we could run a metric shit ton of work on it.

Oh yea, I got a speeding ticket on the way home. Feh.

But on the bright side, I'm going to vegas in three weeks, on the company's dime no less. Granted it's a convention for the job, but hell, four days in sodom and gomorrah'sville! whippee!

I get to spend V-Day in Las Vegas. Alone. well my office mate Kim is going with me but she's married. Meh it's better than spending Valentines day 'at home' alone.

And thats my splendtrulescent Monday and most of today.

Oh yea I got crushed under a seven hundred pound refrigerator for two days and had to learn to mentally telepathate the last entry.... but, hey, new skill man. And I just invented a new word telepathate, the act of telepathy, would that be a verb? The act of telepathateing... HEP' ME! I BEEN TELEP-O-THIZED!!

Oh geez this is enough man, I've had it.

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004 7:04 P.M.

hearing : I love to singah....by Al Jolson.. you know, that song, from the cartoon

I'm eating : a coke

I want : a neck rub

| 2 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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