Whale vagina
Transmission incoming from the big giant head!!

It appears that I am sending myself my own junkmail now.

Sender: Greg

"About 70% of woman agree that they would prefer there [sic] partner to have a larger

member. Why not give them what they want? Guaranteed to start working in 30 days. Take a few mins to check us out."

Can this be true? Egads! Let me know if it is please. I'm gonna have to, uh get back to, myself if it is.

This has been a week which shall live in infamy. I couldn't swing a cat by the tail without hitting new jobs flying in my direction. Dear readers, the recession is definitely over. I ended the week with a very exhausting 72 hours, and still I'm not done. Saturdays are the start of the work week for us and so I get to be run over by the overtime bus again tomorrow.

It's rather satisfying for me to work hard and see the fruits of my looms, eh labors, show up in big black numbers on the bottom line. I werk hard. I werk vewwy hard.

Responsibility has a way of making productivity skyrocket. However, my definition of responsibility sometimes translates to "Running up and down the halls flailing my arms in blind hysterical panic."

I really don't have anything today. I have nothing at all to talk about. Nothing to gripe about, nothing to make fun of. Nothing. I'm a boring boy today. Not that I'm not normally boring or anything. It seems to me that unless I'm frothing at the mouth over this stupid driver or that dumb television program, I really have no point to making any entries in this diary. I've been so busy I've had no idle time to sit and come up with anything.

Oh wait, heres something to show you.

I got a google search today on the site meter for "term for a whale vagina" and along with the new term "micro givvashits", it showed my entry on whale dorks . So, there you go. I still didn't find out the name for a female whale's vagina though. Maybe one of you know. I think this somehow brings me full circle to the spam I inexplicably sent to myself for a penis growing pill. Why did I think that I would care about that?

Penis growing pills and nastyfarmgirls must be THE corner stones of the spam industry.

I also discovered my diaryreview , I didn't remember that I had done this. It was quite a humbling thing for me to read, I didn't know It was that bad. I also. Didn't realize I had a lot of. Sentence fragments. I try to write legibly and not misspell words, but mostly I write like I talk and try to make it look professional and coherant. Maybe someone could enlighten me to my inept grammar, that is if you're able to understand what I'm saying.

I'm not complaining about the review, I asked for it. And it's been helpful, but the criticism of the cursing?

It's called:

"Gerg Nitmo's 'RANT'-o-rama".

There's a reason why there might be an excessive amount of cursing. It's not called:

"Gerg Nitmo's happy flower dancing teddy bears diary".

Silly bit......dummy.

Friday, Jan. 30, 2004 9:29 P.M.

I'm hearing : "A new toy"....By LENA LOVICH ( you know, that song they play on the target commercial?)

I want : a book called Grammar for Dummies

| 2 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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