I got this because my house is dusty?
I came home from work today and there's a pecan tree growing out of my entertainment center. I think it's time to dust.

I might have mentioned before that I work a lot and so there's not much time to do a thorough cleaning of the house. Usually my cleaning consists of doing the laundry the dishes and generally just doing a once over around the house. Pretty much the basics. But I always forget to dust. I just never think about it. Every once in a long while I get the urge (fed up) to really clean the hell out of everything. Top to bottom, side to side, closets and all. This usually occurs tri annually and on those occasions , the cat thinks we're moving again and hides in the kitchen cabinet.

She hates the truck ride see. If she's forced into a truck ride she tries to hide under the dash. I don't mean in the floor board on the passenger side I mean up inside behind the glove box, cats can cram their way into anything. She's not fond of the truck rides.

So I end up listening to the incessant cat warbling till we get where we're going, or I'm trying not to drive into a bread truck because she's trying to hide behind the accelerator pedal. If not that, then she's bonking me on the head with a four way lugwrench to get me to pull over so she can make a break for it.

I have to say I"M not too fond of the truck rides with her either.

It's like this.



Cat: Meh?

Me: It's ok squirt, we're almost there.

Cat: Mow?

Me: Don't worry..it wont be long.

Cat: Mro....MMraw....?

Me: Come on...just hang on.

Cat: .........Mep...meh........Mow......Mah.....MOOOOOW!

ME: Hey. Calm down. It's no big deal.

Cat: Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow Mow MowMow Mow MowMow Mow MowMow Mow Mow Mow Mow MowMowMOWMOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW Mow MowMow Mow Mow

ME: Hey...Mi




ME:.... Hey Cat come on we're almo ......DAMNIT! DID YOU JUST PUKE? DID YOU JUST...?....Oh for cryin' out loud...can I get a break?

Cat: Mow?

Me: NO! we're not going to stop at Burger King.



And so it goes Until we get to the vet or where ever. Then on the ride home it's this:


Cat: Mow?

Me: Oh shut up!

Doesn't like the ride at all. I gotta get a pet carrier of my own.

Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004 10:08 P.M.

On the Itunes"Better of two evils"....M. Manson

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This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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