I haven't updated lately... well since my shit fit about 4 hours ago. So heres something I doubt you read from the past, I KNOW you haven't read it since no one is brave enough to go down the stairs of cellar of my basement. Spiders! Ghosts! Regis Philbin! Skeletons!

So this is a repeat, big wont be to you foo'!

I know you've probably seen a version of this before. Thats where I "borrowed" the idea. My only contribution was to make it fookin longer.


I hate chain letters.

I have recieved a mumabatillion emails that insist, no, demand I forward them to 40 gobagrillion friends in 6 seconds or I will never find love, or get laid, or win a million dollars and no one will like me anymore. Emails begging me to forward this story about a poor, legless, armless, headless boy from Cambodia whose been chained to a dead water buffalo for the last 709 years and has:

miners lung

mild/medium/ridiculous flatulance syphillus


typhoid mary

typhoid fred



black mold



the bubonic plague


post nasel drip

prenasel drip

chapped ass

fear of clothing

frothing at the crotch

sprained mind

sloppy diction


small pox

medium pox

large pox

X-large pox

chicken pox

rack of lamb pox








whooping sneeze

cancer of the fist

crossed nostrils



constant screaming


Dutch Elm disease

vapor lock

hoof in mouth

leg in mouth

mouth in mouth

shingles,(pine and cedar)

trench mouth

trench foot

trench spleen

has no hand-eye coordination

has no hands

has a foot for a head

is balance challenged

needs a kidney transplant

needs an elbow transplant

dry rot

crotch rot

a cracked foundation

explosive diahrea

explosive urination

tourettes syndrome

china syndrome

dancin feet





the agony of defeat




parkinsons disease

parker stevenson disease

needs a forehead transplant



...AND was shot when he flashed his high beams to some gang kids driving with their lights off as they were throwing rags soaked in kerosene through open car windows of people stopped at red lights on their way to the GAP to cash in their free coupons they got for forwarding pointless emails about a little boy in Zimbabwe who fell down a toilet FILLED with snakes while trying to put out his gel candle that blew up in his face.. ............. has one wish in this god aweful miserable world. It is of course that he should like to have every one send him a greeting card or forward this email on to elevendybillion of my closest friends so that BIll Gates/Michael Jackson/Steve Urkel/or Hooty and the Blowjobs will give half a cent to my "chained to a dead water buffalo" foundation. And if you do that, a cute movie of the smurfs dancing around singing "I AM THE WALRUS" will pop up. but if you dont your a heartless bastard.

I have seen them ALL or variations of them with different names and locations and illnesses. Just because you put "I dont usually forward these, but this happened to my best friends, dogs, sister so just in case, I'm going to send it to you anyway" will not make them this one time an exception or less annoying.

If you fall for these letters, you must be a moron.

If you get one and you just HAVE to send it to someone. If you just absloutely cant help being a brainless twit, go to google first and type in a search for chain letters and see if that one shows up.

Please don't blindly forward on garbage to me. If you think I'm a heartless bastard for saying this.

eat a bug.

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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