Pmy pentry pfor ptoday






pneu�mo�nia n.

An acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs and caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms and sometimes by physical and chemical irritants.

[New Latin, from Greek pneumoni, lung disease, alteration (influenced by pneuma, breath), of pleumoni from pleumn, lung. See pleu- in Indo-European Roots.]

Silent letters in words. Do they matter? Is it still the same word WITHOUT the silent letter? If I put the silent letter anywhere in the word is it still the same word? If I write neupmonia, npeumonia or neumopnia it should still be the same thing...with that silent motherfucker in there. What's P's deal anyway? Why don't we get to say PUHNYOOMONIA?

I figure this, if only one million people have to spell pneumonia everyday, just once, and they leave the 'p' out of the word, that saves about 1 second per person. ( I know it doesn't really take one second to write that letter, but lets round up to a second just for this one ridiculous P-argument shall we?) 1 million seconds divided by 60 seconds in an hour...shit let me get the calculator out......thats 16,666.67 man/woman hours for just that one second, give or take a few thousand hours for however long it really takes to write or type that letter. And if I did this right, thats 694.44 days...almost two years of work saved because of the letter p in the word pneumonia.

Now factor in for the people who spell it wrong and have to go back and rewrite the word because they didn't know about the silent p in the first place.

"Oh bugger, I didn't know there was a p in pneumonia."

"Oh bummeln, ich wu�ten nicht, da� es ein p in der Pneumonie gab."

"Oh 雞姦, 我不知道有p 在肺炎。"

".-..-. --- .... / -... ..- --. --. . .-. --..-- / .. / -.. .. -.. -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / - .... . .-. . / .-- .- ... / .- / .--. / .. -. / .--. -. . ..- -- --- -. .. .- .-.-.- .-..-. "

That could be over 2 billion years of lost productivity that we will never get back! Thats a big chunk of evolutionary progress that we could have used to get over a lot of our crappy human race issues and focusing on more important things like racism and sexism. Or telekinesis. Making Or splicing human genes with panda bear genes to get a ...humanda or phuman? ( not a silent p by the way)

And do take into account that I spent a fair part of my day thinking to myself about this subject, which probably caused my progress to slow just that much more and put us all behind. Because we all know how the world hinges on the speed of the printing industry and it's paper based media output branches and design work.

Now I'm aware that whoever is to gain by containing this leak of lost time will only recover that one second, aaaaand that I am wasting a considerable amount of time thinking about this that I could better use to oooooh say go out and find a woman.


Someone gotsa think about this shit. By the way, where do I put the apostrophe for my new contraction gotsa? Between the t and s or after the s?

I'm getting myself off track here.

Where was I going with this?

Ah yes, I was writing an entry to prove that I do in fact write about the dumbest shit.


Oh, maybe they were on to something with that.

And by the way, i know there's a logical reason for a p in the word. i just don't care. I wouldn't have anything to write here if I did.

And ALSO by the way, I've been googled for colon blow 14 times. I still don't get that. Go blow your own colons. It's not a balloon you know.

Yea, I think I'm done here.

Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 11:09 P.M.

on the I-tunes: "Ordinary splendor" ....JONELL MOSSER

| 7 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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