Yay! The sun is right by my window
Damn it's ...warm here. I'm soooo happy for it to be warm here, in the same way I'm happy to have a dentist go in through my urethra to give me a root canal.


Nothing else to talk about today. Nothing in particular is going on. I felt to the need to write something other than re-stating something I've already written. I mean I could bitch about something. You're used to that aren't you? I COULD tell you about the woman ahead of me in line at the Stop-n-Rob buying a pack of virginia slims. Why have your money or wallet out in advance? It wasn't as if you expected to have to PAY for your smokes after all. Now you know, it's not as if things like that are particularly life altering for me. It's nothing more than a minor irritant, but it is one of my peeves. Inconsideration for other people.

I guess I'll just type and see what I vomit up.

I refuse to use the word asshat anymore. It's overused here. How about some new ones?


I always liked that one. Use that now. go forth with the word assneck all ye, spread it to the four corners of the globe. Call your grandma an assneck...see if she catches that one.

"Beg your pardon sweetie?"

As far as I've been able to conclude an assneck is the roll of skin on the back of the neck when someone looks up. Looks like a pack of hotdogs. Or a horizontal ass crack.

I've always been partial to Fucko and thought it doesn't get used nearly enough.

"Hello grandma, I haven't seen you and fucko in a long time. How is that little dog?"

Fucko the dog.

Fucko the clown! Look at my flower! Squiiiiirt!

Oh and assburger, can't forget assburger. If you can't figure out which person in your office is the assburger...then it's you.

I just got a new spam with the subject saying:

"Great New Toy ForTheBedroom.."dildo."

Okay, see I thought those were for party favors and flipping burgers with. I didn't know you could use it in the bedroom!

Usually these kind of emails say at the bottom "please unsubscribe me"

but this one said "Youneed tostop mailingme thisstuff"

Thats different. At least they sort of acknowledge that they send crap nobody wants.

I got two others that said "get your peepie huge lanka" and "somnabulist bubbles inside 6292."

I've been looking for a peepie huge lanka but haven't been able to find one yet. Anyone know where I can get one?

Oh shit, I really have nothing to say, just a bunch of snotty comments and random bullshit.

Currently I'm downloading all my Rasputina CD's to itunes. If you haven't done what I told you before and checked out a song or two.... do it NOW. You'll be happy you did ...... and, then I wont have to flog you.

Check out Saline (the salt lake queen)

Oh this post is full of suck.

Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004 9:45 P.M.

on the itunes: " Big in Japan" Tom Waits

| 9 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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