The intersections of "Holy shit!" and "Fuuuuuck!"
I saw this news tag line this morning:

"Cell Phones May Damage Sperm"

then elsewhere on the news page I saw this one:

"Woman Injected With Bad Sperm."

Related? Bad sperm! Hey I'm probably the last person in North America to not have a cell phone yet. My sperm should be A-OK right? But I do use a's not waist level or anything so I think I'm Ok still.

And now I will continue my coverage of the wonderful world of weather in glorious tejas. By the way, tejas is not spanish for Texas as some people may have thought. It's a Hasinai indian word which means "Where the hell did all this fucking rain come from? It's June for cryin' out loud!" Those Indians really made use of words to the fullest extent.

It rained like a sonofabastard yesterday and today around lunchtime. Heres a few pictures Paula took.

I had to sacrifice a little quality on the pictures so it wouldn't take so long to load. I don't know if you're going to be able to see in the background, but thats a paint and body shop with the cars to work on in the back and center of the picture. " Um, yea....Miss Concrete? This is the body shop.....I think that estimate is gonna be just a bit more than we first quoted you with."

Just in case you missed the street sign here it is a little closer. what are the odds of this crossing having these names?

Occasionally streets here will flood when there is a sudden deluge of rain. They warn people every time....EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. "Do not drive your car into high water."

But nooooooo... theres always some dumbass who thinks he can drive his hooptie straight through lake Elm street, and gets his dumb ass stranded, sometimes drownded. Hence this wonderful photo of this intelligent human in a van.

"Hey bitch, You wanna put down the Minolta and come help get my ass outta this cool ass van I drove into the water?"

Of course kids love the water, especially stupid ones.... this one is in his underwear.

And here he is again.

Interesting that he told Paula... " Hey don't take my picture! "

What? You think a camera has the magical ability to "de-cloak" you, making it possible for everyone to see that you're riding your bike in your underwear?"

Lastly, sorry about the lack of updates. Just haven't felt like updating. Not much going on.

I did drive down to Austin this past weekend with the folks for my cousins wedding. I don't have a picture of the actual car but this....

is the kind of car my uncle Mike has that they drove off from the wedding in. Or would have..... if it hadn't been raining cats and snakes that day. They took the brides dads corvette instead.

I have a cool ass family....ya'll.


Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004 1:58 P.M.

On the itunes"Red Skeletons"....COIL

| 2 old comments

old gripes|griping now|new gripes

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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