A radio show I listen to at noon here at work had a poll to ask of the listeners today.

It seems that one half of the radio team "Pugs" has some sinus problems and has been quite plugged up recently. It's gotten to the point where he feels like he's trying to breath through concrete at this point.

So anyway, he takes a girl back home after they've been out getting fishnickered at the bar or whatever, and proceed to get horizontal in the bedroom. They're both getting hot and excited and end up in the missionary position. He's giving it to her all "Oh yea baby. you like this?" and she's all "Oh yea, mama like." and its goin' and goin' when he finally notices that the look of passion on her face that makes her look like she's smelled something disgusting, is replaced with a look of "un"lust that makes her look like she's "seen" something disgusting. That's when he notices that he has been dripping all over her. ALL OVER HER FROM HIS NOSE.

He said they kind of stopped and had a bit of a chuckle over it, and I guess he cleaned up his nose and they went to sleep. But his question polled to us was should he have continued on with the orgasm bringing and then cleaned up or should he have stopped and killed the mood and cleaned up, risking not being able to get the emperors groove back on afterwards. It seems a woman's mood can get turned off like a light switch for certain reasons and thats it, but for a guy all he has to see is something that vaguely REMINDS him of a woman's body part ...any womans body part ..... a tit, cooch, elbow, knee, earlobe, duodenum..... whatever, and a guy is good good good to go.

The poll ended up being 10 to 7 in favor of continuing, and before you say anything, most of the polled people who called in were women.

Their thought being "Hey, If I've already got a snot rocket on me I might as well get off instead of getting that on me and NOT getting off as well. Either way is going to be messy.

I guess.

what's your opinion? Would you stop or keep going?

Friday, Aug. 13, 2004 3:54 P.M.

on the itunes: "A Quitter" ....... RASPUTINA

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teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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