
luva - 2004-03-07 12:26:17
(first, infomercials are probably the most depressing things ever to be put on television.) it's amazing the things that occur to you when you can't sleep. you should feel happy how chance worked in your favor, to allow you to know the people you do. say hi to jo for me.
onewetleg - 2004-03-07 23:06:30
awww! freakout! you can't think about it that way. le freak, c'est chic! i'm adding you to my damn favorites cuz the notifylist thing aint workin'. i'm sick and tired of only reading you when i come across you on somone else's buddylist. love,
shmeder - 2004-03-08 05:18:47
Great entry. Thank you for reminding me to make a few calls tomorrow. I seem to have forgotten the importance of a few friends.
Kate - 2004-03-09 03:53:54
I've said this before but I'm going to say it again: you should get published. You are an amazing writer and an amazing person, you deserve to be earning money for this. More people should read your stuff.


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