
Kate - 2004-04-12 23:46:44
It hurts. It really hurts. My brain hurts. But I think you should tap into you artistic genius and offer us some drawings of this famed torso man. (And where the hell is this idea coming from?? Did you trip over someone who lying on the floor??
wilberteets - 2004-04-13 01:00:59
Possible activities involving Torso man: hang him on the wall and call him "Art"; Throw armless and legless torso man in the pool and call him "Bob"; throw him across the water and call him "Skip". Take him to the ball field and use him for third base. Bad, bad, bad. I've been possessed by the spirit of a reader of sick joke books.
Arianna - 2004-04-13 11:54:14
Hey, you have GOT to download episodes of "The Oblongs". Bob Oblong is torso man. You'll pee yourself, no kidding. Sit on a towel while watching.
Shmeder - 2004-04-14 04:49:39
I think I may need Torso Man to come to my rescue. What do I need to scream in order for him to come?? Did ya get it? In order for him to "come"... I *think* I'm funny. Could I have a dirtier mind this evening? No, I don't think so but thanks for asking.
bethany - 2004-04-14 12:56:20
i sang it in my head to the tune of Triangle Man by They Might Be Giants. Hope that's ok.
onewetleg - 2004-04-16 00:09:36
it's funny because one, i call tommy tman, and b, tman and i were talking about bad superheroes yesterday. like slug man. he got bitten by a radioactive slug. his super powers are moving really slow and leaving slime all over everything. salt is his kryptonite. and he likes beer. i don't know. then i came up with nettle man. he walked through a patch of radioactive nettles. his super power is whenever he touches you you get a horrible rash and can be easily subdued. only problem is he can never make love to another person. or to himself. yowch!


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