
Shmeder - 2004-04-30 03:47:18
I'm at a loss for words and a bit confused. Can you please explain? My email works.
Shmeder - 2004-04-30 06:40:48
Can I get some french fries, french toast and french dressing to go with that?
artgnome - 2004-04-30 06:45:28
Well said, gerg, well thought and said. But for the grace of God, that could be any of us at any given time. Once being homeless and on welfare myself, I thank God every day for what I have, and for all that I have been spared.
kristin - 2004-04-30 11:13:22
I got to your page because your banner made me laugh. (Roses are red...Sugar is sweet but you can't have any.) Although it didn't make me laugh again/more, I enjoyed your entry very much. ~k
Pink - 2004-04-30 12:30:04
I know what you mean, how is it that one can give a nicle to their friend for the last bit of change for a bag of chips or candy bar, but somehow ignore those people who walk up the street with nothing. But did you ever consider that maybe that man is where he is today of his own fault? Maybe he was doing a lot of drugs and gave things up over addictions, maybe he dropped out of highschool for stupid reasons. It may be if you gave him a couple 1000 dollars that he may just waste it and be back where he is two days later. Or, then again, maybe he was thrown into his situwation - but if so, He'd likely have gotten himself a job and an apartment by now. There is always a way back to a normal life. Just need to have the determination.
cornnugget - 2004-04-30 14:15:32
We are all destitute in some way. Some of us don't have money because we lost it or wasted it or for whatever reason we just don't have it. Some of us don't have love because we lost it, wasted it or simply didn't recognize it, maybe in the pursuit of a mirage. We all want something.. and we are never grateful for what we have until we see some poor sap who has nothing.
bethany - 2004-04-30 14:19:53
deep. i need deep.


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