
Locki - 2004-05-18 23:47:44
Lots of times when I see a bum or a random crack head I think about the fact that this was once a sweet little innocent baby, probably with hopeful young parents who thought this could be a president one day. I had that same thought about the human skeleton in my college anatomy & physiology lab. Someone's baby. In an entirely different turn of topics... I made 2 surveys and if you like to do surveys, I hope you'll do these. I love to see what people say to my questions. I put links to each one on today's entry.
artgnome - 2004-05-19 06:38:45
It is more than likely that she was young and beautiful and everyone used her instead of loving her. If someone had stayed and loved her, she would not be where she is. When you are young and pretty and meet all the wrong men.
bethany - 2004-05-20 15:25:40
what an inspired entry. although you are funny as fuck, (is fuck funny?) i like the serious gerg as well.


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