
awittykitty - 2004-07-30 23:14:13
Don'tcha know that a cat sticking its ass in your face in the universal sign of I'm totally in love with you I want to have kittens with you and run through a field in slow motion, forsaking even a triple dish of turkey pate Fancy Feast, just to be near you? By the way, my cat has an uncontrollable urge to eat plastic grocery bags. I wonder what THAT means?
Teets - 2004-07-31 03:34:03
Dude, whether you have a cat or a dog, someone's ass is going to be in someone's face. With the cat, you'll say "Get your ass out of my face" and with the dog, you'll be saying "Get your face out of my ass." You just can't win.
artgnome - 2004-07-31 07:57:52
Oh yeah, my cat loves to park right next to my ear and then start licking herself as loud as she possibly can. Yes, then the ass in my face, constantly. Cats sleep all day just to see how stinking annoying they can be at night!
Beth - 2004-07-31 14:34:20
dude, have you read the adventures of Oreo? I can emphathize, or however you spell that. Uenthize might be a better choice word here for this situation though... and where DO they get the plastic bags??? Some kind of kitty-plastic-bag-vortex appears as soon as the sun goes down apparently.
mz. em - 2004-07-31 19:16:46
Ya just gotta love cats. They do have a mind of their own. Spike likes to bump my arm or hand to get me to pet him until he's had enough. Not when I've had enough but when he's through. That's when I hide my body part under the covers. Hehehe.


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