
laural - 2004-08-01 12:09:42
I am smiling now too! thanks! Laural
Klugarsh - 2004-08-01 14:34:40
A joke for you (which I got from Arlette, but what the fuck?): So Adam & Eve are kickin' it in that Garden of Eden place, just minding their own business. Naming things, humping, usual naked in paradise stuff. God comes along and says, "Howdy kids, how's tricks?" "Things are good." Says Adam. "How about with you boss?" "Well," say the bearded beardly man with a beard, "I'm pretty much almost done. A couple of loose ends to tie up. I was actually just looking for you guys. I have two things left for you, so I thought I'd see how you wanted to split them." They sat up and asked for him to share. "Well first, I've got the ability to pee standing up." With this, Adams face lights up like OJ at Hooters. "OOOOOOHHHH!!!! I want that! Please! Please let me have tht! Oh, oh, oh, Eve, pleasepleasepleasepleseplease, can I take that????" "Well," Said Eve, "if you're really so excited about it, I don't see why not." "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!" So God lays it on him nd he goes running off to play with his new toy. Then Papa G turns to Eve. "Well, that leaves you with multiple orgasms."
Teets - 2004-08-02 00:41:54
hehe. Two laughs for the price of one.


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