
awittykitty - 2004-08-18 16:36:01
No smart alecky remarks today. Truly love your apple lable artwork. I grew up in apple country in Northern California and am very fond of the lush, vibrant colors of that particular art genre. Thanks for the pretty eye candy today, Gergsy. Sweet! :-)
artgnome - 2004-08-18 20:51:55
I too am loving the vintage art! Very nice, Gerg :)
Klugarsh - 2004-08-18 20:55:55
HAHAHAHA!!! Watsonville!!! I used to live right near there... not that I'm all that far now...
shmeder - 2004-08-18 23:23:25
What was my last name again? It's a real town? I must visit!
Teets - 2004-08-19 02:08:25
I like it! It would be good art for a template. Mahvelous dahling.
onewetleg - 2004-08-20 01:48:27
is it just me or do those apples look like a big ol butt?
Shmeder - 2004-08-20 16:20:35
JJ is right...that's all I see is a big ass!


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