
Meany - 2005-07-08 19:23:34
Hooray for you! AND your smile! (And by the way, I don't see "drooler" ... "smartass," maybe, but not "drooler.")
hissandtell - 2005-07-08 19:26:26
Darling, that is NOT you. That is a young Stephen King (only, like, much more handsome and smilier). I'm onto you, mate, and don't think I'm not. Smooches, R xxx
Klugarsh - 2005-07-08 19:32:56
Has your smile ever lived in California? She looks really familiar... But then, I think that alot.
Teets - 2005-07-08 20:30:18
I am happy that you found your smile. Hiding out all the way in Ohio. Who knew? I am genuinely happy for you and I hope your girlie doesn't mind you having female friends. :-)
Poolagirl - 2005-07-08 21:00:55
You are the absolute CUTEST thing! Why did you hold out on us for so damn long? Sheesh! If I can show my ugly nose full of zinc oxide, you can certainly show your cute face!
artgnome - 2005-07-08 22:10:09
Dang, gergy, you are sooo cute! My birthday is the 19th, so many great people born in July!
awittykitty - 2005-07-08 23:00:51
Damn it all Gergsie, why didn't I know you were so damn cute? I mean I've always had a crush on you anyways (you knew that, right?), but Woof! Double Woof! But I'm guessing you're kinda (cough) taken now. Oh well. Much happiness to ya. You deserve it sweetie!! Love, witty
luva - 2005-07-09 15:58:54
are you guys doin' it? that's awesome! that's my asshole way of saying "yay!"
Shmeder - 2005-07-10 00:45:28
:) I am happy for you!
gerg69 - 2005-07-13 12:26:01
You guys are too good to me.
tulip101 - 2005-07-13 22:47:29
Boy...she's really cute! Aren't you a lucky duck? You need to hold on to her....


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