
luva - 2004-01-12 23:37:04
ooh! you're all commenty on your ever-changing site. as a banner-whore, i recommend starting entries with something like "BIG FAT SEX MONSTER" to grab attention, right from the git-go. then, just write about whatever the hell you want. oh, and that tom waits song is "i don't want to grow up," from the album "bone machine." i've never seen the video, but i love the album. however, i don't recommend buying that one as your first tom waits album. i think you'd like him.
awittykitty - 2004-01-13 00:05:20
Am so glad I could supply a quotable quote this fine January day. and yes...I think we finally have the tea situation under control, although I keep smelling myself and thinking I want to eat crumpets.
thisendup - 2004-01-13 17:52:23
liked the banner with 'eat, drink & be larry'. men can and do get pms. nothing to worry about really. just stay away from judgmental types for a bit and avoid e-mailing anyone for a LONG time.


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