
Kate Henri - 2004-01-26 05:33:49
"Or maybe it was an effort collectively by these spiders to try and catch a sheep." That made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off my chair!
The Pixie of Death - 2004-01-26 06:44:46
I just thought I would comment here because I read a few of your entries and found your writing extremely entertaining. You gave me a good laugh and brightened up my day a bit. :)
awittykitty - 2004-01-26 21:25:40
you know you had to go and mention spiders. Typos and spiders in the same 24 hour period. That is, indeed, a serious offense.
Raven - 2004-01-27 01:53:26
hiya. wow, i clicked on your banner and was scared for a minute because i thought it was my diary ... then i realized we have the same format ^-^ that was kind of a pleasant surprise. :P i hate spiders ... and looking at those pictures kinda sucked, but it wasn't so bad cause they weren't big or anything, but what i'm trying to say is it was pretty cool. yeah. now i'm gunna hit "done!" and read some more of your entries. yay.
Jessica Lovejoy - 2004-01-27 09:32:18
Fuckin' A, the only thing funnier than your banner was the name you'd given to the image itself. Also, you reminded me of that classic scene in Annie Hall where Woody Allen comes over to kill a spider...very cute. That said, apparently us girls need to get our shit together..they're just fuckin *spiders* people. Pfft!
bethany - 2004-01-27 12:05:06
i am super duper arachnaphobic. thanks for brightening my day. sundays used to suck, but since my crew and i started treating sundays like a saturday, i love them. we call it "fun"day. we drink, dance, and be merry. there is ntihing better to do than nurse a hangover on a monday anyway. you are already feeling so crappy about it being a monday, whats a little extra pain?


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