
cornnugget - 2004-03-06 17:52:07
Well,you did have the entry about handicapped parking spots and you were kind of pissed (fucking!) I guess they got the two words they were looking for! I still think the peyote is playing a part in the previous entry. LOL Hell, I better be careful with the word "entry".. I might get googled too..
luva - 2004-03-06 18:12:55
ok, my sexual google hits yesterday: "spanks or spanked or spanking or spankings," "what to do to people when they're asleep," "boy sleeping nude," "bondage breast milk," "intangible thing sex," and my favorite "my girlfriend jennifer fucks guys behind my back west palm beach florida." and that's just from yesterday. i don't know.
luva - 2004-03-06 18:26:41
oh, and i forgot to mention "nevada whores" and "assholes wide."


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