
artgnome - 2004-05-02 07:00:40
a hard lesson learned, but what wisdom coming from you! You're getting me all interested about what you look like and where you live...;)
anotherwish - 2004-05-02 19:32:04
join the club nicely put.
luva - 2004-05-03 15:37:40
i'm sorry, too.
shmeder - 2004-05-03 21:34:52
I've always been the other person. My friend's from years ago refer to me as "the glue" that keeps everyone in touch.
I have accidentally let some good people go by the wayside and I really don't know why. Perhaps I just needed a break from them and that break is lasting a lifetime.
Becky - 2004-05-04 19:50:59
I needed that. Am off to get in touch with an old friend. Thank you.
bethany - 2004-05-05 13:04:14
yes, there is a girl i really want to see and talk to lately and maybe this was the shove i needed to do just that. gergalicious!
Laura - 2004-05-22 15:48:24
Me too. That was beautifully put, Greg.


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