
Bethie - 2004-05-29 02:27:57
Happy 205th baby! 200th is for losers... and you know that I favor the randomness as well. well played.
artgnome - 2004-05-29 08:15:50
I live up north and like the snow, I like the cold, and I could not bear the heat you have closing in on you. You have my empathy and all my fans. I am dreading July/August myself, and I'm sure it does not get even close to the hot you get down in Texas.
awittykitty - 2004-05-29 16:42:57
I'm so quiet in person, people don't even know I exist, so I understand ya there. Sorry about the heat...ya want me to come blow on your forehead? I'm pretty good at that. And I promise not to discuss snow. And I won't talk much. It'll be like an Ingmar Bergman movie.
onewetleg - 2004-05-29 18:12:52
wow, i really like the changes you made to your layout. and i have always loved your randomness. glad i clicked on that first banner. you know, the kitten one?
mz. em - 2004-05-29 20:47:18
What a great entry! I would love to see the Queen giving an ovation by doing fart sounds. Then I died laughing about the vending machine because when I'm in the breakroom, I can hear people banging the machine attempting to get their food that doesn't make it past that bit of spiral and is hung up. Oh man, I wonder whether or not the machine will fall over. Anyway, some good random thoughts in this one. OH and congrats on the 205th. Gee, I need to go and check to see how many I have now.
Teets - 2004-05-30 02:20:27
Rueben Studdard is proud to have you representing the 205. Yeeah.
Manders - 2004-05-30 22:33:19
Ah, way too hot in Texas right now. Bllleehhh, I agree with you on that one.
Emy - 2004-05-31 17:25:52
Random people rock!!!
luva - 2004-06-01 09:54:45
happy #205! and you will NEVER hear me gripe about the delayed onset of summer. the longer i can live in the joyous cool of jacket-weather, the better. heat=blech.
gerg69 - 2004-06-01 10:24:24
Yea, The thing with winter is you can always put on more clothes. You can only take off so many in the summer, (heh, I wrote cummer first) before it becomes unlawful.
Laura - 2004-06-05 12:36:16
Thought- thort ;) * pronounced in Australian*
candoor - 2004-06-06 01:32:44
I could fall in love with your mind, but then, I could fall in love with rock, tree, or box of chocolate chip cookies. Random attracts randomly. Its a good thing, cuz it is me and I love me. It baffles most and scares some (or vice versa), but all I have to show for it are wonderful memories and a dozen or so diary/journals. It is something to do with time.


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