check out lines
You know what I love? What absolutely makes my day? Anyone in front of me in line with their head in their ass. Sometimes it's me. I always get behind the slow person at the red light. Im also always behind the person at the grocery store who is unaware of any other humans in the vicinity. Take for instance the one person who picks up the only package of cajun spiced beaver knuckles that doesn't scan right and so the checker has to send a sacker to the back to see if there's another price.

So we wait a while for him to complete his mission. He comes back with the right price we get everything totaled up. THEN and only then does it occur to the customer that I'll .... start writing .... my ... check ... now. You are allowed to fill out everything else without the dollar amount you know. Oh and balance your checkbook somewhere else would ya? She's already ringing up my extra spicy diet fudge raisin tartar sauce and I can't get to the credit card slot! But I really love the people who buy something that costs six dollars and ninety-nine cents. They have the six dollar bills ...... and lets see, lets root around in that change purse and ..... oh heres a quaaaaaarter and heres another quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarter and another quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarter. Ok how much is that? seventy-five cents. Heres two dimes and I know I have some penny's in here. There's one. heres another one ........ heres a nickel but don't need that ................. Is it too much trouble to just give Seven bucks you silly hippo? For the love of Mike join the 21st century and get a check card! Here, I have a dollar! You can have it if you'll get the hell out of the waaaaaack!!! ... chest pains!.... arm going numb!...... lights, flashing...........

................. Oh, Aunt Rose, did you bring that birdie for me? ...... * clunk * * twitch *

Why am I always behind the guy whose trying to perform some kind of complex banking maneuver at the ATM. "Hey Rockafeller. whatta you trying to do drop some junk bonds?"

I just like to make things as easy for the person behind me so they don't have to wait too long. I get in I get out, now it's your turn.

This diary is lame. - Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009
woah - Thursday, Feb. 05, 2009
operation kindness - Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006
more belligerent bees on dogs - Monday, Feb. 20, 2006
teste-moanial - Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006

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